The concept is simple, the rewards are priceless. Read a book (any book) to your newborn, infant, or toddler. The goal is to have read 1,000 books (yes, you can repeat books) before your precious one starts kindergarten. If you read just 1 book a night, you will have read about 365 books in a year. That is 730 books in two years and 1,095 books in three years. If you consider that most children start kindergarten at around 5 years of age, you have more time than you think (so get started).

Question? Call Miss Cindy at 717-867-1802, or email

Program Overview

How the Program works:

  1. Register at the Annville Free Library and receive a folder of materials, including a reading log to record your first 100 books.
  2. Color a book on the log for every book you read.
  3. After reading 100 books, bring your completed reading log back to the library.
  4. Each time you bring in your completed page, you will receive a coloring sheet, a sticker, and a new log to record your next 100 books.
  5. When your reach 500 books, you will receive a new book. When you reach 1,000 books, you will receive a second new book & a certificate of completion.

If you read 3 books a day to your child, in just one year you’ll have read 1,095 books! And you have several years to complete the program.

Do I have to read books from the library? You can read books from anywhere, everywhere you go! Count books read aloud by grandparents, older siblings, everyone in your life!

What if my child wants to read the same book over and over? Repetition is the key to learning. Each time you read a book, it counts. If you read the same book 5 times, color 5 books.

Can I log the books my child hears in storytime and at preschool / daycare? Yes! Any and every book your child hears counts for this program.

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten